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Sunday, Jul. 20, 2003 - 8:06 pm

Another quick note/question... I have some Opal sock yarn, and some Pony Pearl dpn's that I would like to sell/trade. Does anyone know where I can do that? Or do any of you want to buy/trade? I can take pics :)

The sock yarn is Opal brand, and it's a black with yellow, blue and red striping. The dpn's are size 2US. :D

Sunday, Jul. 20, 2003 - 7:42 pm

Whew! It's a hot one today! Almost 100* here today. I'm so glad my car has airconditioning in it! I hated having to plan outings according to the heat.

I ordered some swallow casien dpn's and received them in the mail the other day. I can't wait to try them. I'll just HAVE to get some more sock yarn to use them with ;) I don't like that the britteny's or the bamboo needles don't "slide" very well. I like a smooth needle, but not metal!

I ordered them from Needles! . Great store and great customer service.

I'll let ya'll know how they turn out!

Monday, Jun. 30, 2003 - 10:50 am

My weather pixie seems to think it's really warm here, lol!! The weather is finally cooling off. It was in the high 90's for a few days. To hot for me. I think it's suppossed to be 80 today. Just right :D

I ordered some Pony Pearl dpn's for my socks. I am SO frustrated with the bamboo and birch dpn's. I hate how they grab. Espesially in this hot weather. My hands can get alittle sweaty.I like my stitches to slide nicely along the needle.

I've started my second sock for my mom's bday. July 9th. I hope my needles come before then! I might go to my lys and see what I can find until they get here tho. Can't have to many needles!

Wednesday, Jun. 18, 2003 - 11:00 am

So, yesterday I go to the co-op to get rabbit food, ect... and after I'm leaving, I notice that I have a nice 2inch whole in my pants. Up by the thigh on the outside. Grrr... I was on my way to the grocery store (which is a 20min. drive from home), and there was no way I was going to go home and change. So, I got to walk around the grocery store with gaping holes in my pants :D Just my idea of fun! What happened was, when I sewed up the side seam, I missed a layer of fabric! Sheesh, lol!

We have a mama rabbit, that when she hops out of the nesting box, she kinda drags a baby out with her. I think it's still latched on when she comes out. She will NOT let me even open her cage door to put the baby back in. She charges and growls at me! She hates me with a passion! But dh? Man, he can just reach right in and put the baby back in. Men.

Hmm... what else is new? Oh. So, dh get's the tiller out to till the summer plot, and the tiller won't work! It's my dad's tiller and he's off camping with ds. SOOOoo, now we have to wait a week for it to stop raining so we can till! Grrr! I love my life, I love my life, I love my life....

Monday, Jun. 16, 2003 - 9:10 am

Yes, I'm still alive! Sheesh. I've been so busy! The garden is needing daily work, the kids need daily activities, and... well.. you get the idea, lol! Seems like I'm either to busy to update my blog or I forget. Guess I'll have to be more consistant. I'm sorry.

I will try to come here at LEAST once a week.

The garden is doing great. Peas are almost ready, onions are growing. The lettuce is growing like crazy! We have nice salads almost everyday. The tomatoes are blooming. We are going to till the summer plot today. We are almost 3 weeks late! I hope it all does ok. I'm sure it will.

I havn't done any knitting lately, or crochet. But, I have been sewing :D I've sewed Mary about 5 pairs of shorts and capris, about 4 peasent tops. I've got 3 capris done for me. Since I'm losing weight, all my clothes are getting to big. Boo hoo, NOT!

Today my parents are taking my ds (9yo)Nate and his cousin Abe, 8yo, to centeral/eastern oregon. They go every year. My mom get's their fifth wheel all homey, lol. They go for about 5-6 days. They love it. They go thunder egg hunting, gold digging, and all that fun stuff. It's great! In a couple years, mary will be old enough to go. She's only 4 now.

Well, I'm off to finish packing his stuff, and getting the house together. Have a GREAT day!!

Thursday, May. 22, 2003 - 8:36 am

PICTURES, yea!! I finally got my pictures up and ready to add on here.

They are of my garden so far. Our lawn mower is in the shop, so there will be tall grass in the background And, keep in mind, it's early yet, so everything looks puny. And, these are only a small portion of what I have planted :)

Here's my lettuce. It's a salad blend from Territorial Seed company.

These are the peas. They are ready for the trellaces now. I have 6 more of these rows planted.

Here are the tomatoes. They were just planted, so they are a little stressed :( I have about 18 more plants to get out in the garden ;)

The welcome site of "garden hands" Dirt under the nails, scratches all over, lol!

And, here is a section of my mint and lemon balm. I have them all over the place. There is a few plants of chamomile in there too. I have more chamomile by the house.

Yesterday was such a nice day! The temp was about 75ish. I spent most of the evening out in the garden.

Now we need to just till up the summer crop sections. I still need to plant green beans, cukes, lemon cukes, green & yellow zuccinni, more tomatoes, mmm... seems like I need to plant something else too. Can't remember. Oh ya, my 1 muskmellon start. It was the only one that came up, lol!

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